C# CSV Parse List Field
In this example, we are going to parse a CSV file that contains a list of values in a single field. Suppose we have the following CSV to parse:
ES1 Index,01/01/2023;05/01/2023;12/26/2023
Let's create a record class to hold the parsed data first:
public readonly record struct CsvRecord {
public readonly string Name { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<DateOnly> Dates { get; init; }
To parse the CSV field into a collection in C#, we need to create a special class map in CsvHelper:
public sealed class CsvRecordMap: ClassMap<CsvRecord> {
public CsvRecordMap() {
Map(m => m.Dates).Convert(row => ParseDates(row.Row.GetField("DATES")));
private static IReadOnlyCollection<DateOnly> ParseDates(string s) {
var dates = return s.Split(";")
.Select(a => DateOnly.ParseExact(a, "MM/dd/yyy", null))
return dates;
To use this class map, we register it when we read the CSV, for example:
using var csv = new CsvReader(stream, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
return csv.GetRecords<CsvRecord>().ToImmutableList();
See CSV Parsing TypeConverter article for more details.